signature: combineAll(project: function): Observable
When source observable completes use
combineLatest with collected observables.
import { take, map, combineAll } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';
// emit every 1s, take 2
const source$ = interval(1000).pipe(take(2));
// map each emitted value from source to interval observable that takes 5 values
const example$ = source$.pipe(
map(val =>
map(i => `Result (${val}): ${i}`),
2 values from source will map to 2 (inner) interval observables that emit every 1s.
combineAll uses combineLatest strategy, emitting the last value from each
whenever either observable emits a value
["Result (0): 0", "Result (1): 0"]
["Result (0): 1", "Result (1): 0"]
["Result (0): 1", "Result (1): 1"]
["Result (0): 2", "Result (1): 1"]
["Result (0): 2", "Result (1): 2"]
["Result (0): 3", "Result (1): 2"]
["Result (0): 3", "Result (1): 3"]
["Result (0): 4", "Result (1): 3"]
["Result (0): 4", "Result (1): 4"]